I need to disable doubleclick behaviour and make treeview open only by clicking an indicator. Is there a way to do that?
And yet. Is there a way to subscribe to doubleclick event? I don't see corresponding event in tree.
Thank you.
Yes this works fine for me. Thank you very much
Hi dprosko!
In that case you can override OnMouseLeftButtonDown in your class that inherits XamWebTreeItem:
Double click implementation is placed in that method. When you override it with empty one you can suppress double click:
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e){ return;}
<igTree:XamWebTree x:Name="xTree"> <local:CustomTreeItem x:Name="TestItem1" Header="Test Item 1"> <local:CustomTreeItem x:Name="SubItem1" Header="SubItem 1"> <local:CustomTreeItem x:Name="SubItem3" Header="SubItem 3"/> </local:CustomTreeItem> </local:CustomTreeItem> <local:CustomTreeItem x:Name="TestItem2" Header="Test Item 1" /></igTree:XamWebTree>
If you want to turn on and turn off double click you can add a property in your inheritor and call in OnMouseLeftButtonDown base method depenting on property value.
I hope that can help :)
Thank you for reply but the way you suggested is not working correctly. Root nodes open when I click item header and won't open when I click expander triangle. Clicking child node makes root node to close. Sometimes other nodes are opening instead of closing/opening the node I click.
This is what I want:
My tree nodes load asynchronously and I want to disable doubleclick and make users click expander icon instead. Icon appears only when child nodes has been loaded so I want to make user wait until current node is fully populated. Is there a way to do that?
It is possible to create own class, that inherits XamWebTreeItem and override OnMouseLeftButtonUp method:
public class CustomTreeItem : XamWebTreeItem { protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { this.IsExpanded = !this.IsExpanded; }
and use it instead XamWebTreeItem in XamWebTree:
<igTree:XamWebTree x:Name="xTree"> <local:CustomTreeItem x:Name="TestItem1" Header="Test Item 1" MouseLeftButtonDown="TestItem_MouseLeftButtonDown" > <igTree:XamWebTreeItem x:Name="SubItem1" Header="SubItem 1" /> </local:CustomTreeItem> <igTree:XamWebTreeItem x:Name="TestItem2" Header="Test Item 1" /> </igTree:XamWebTree>
Best Regards!