OK... I have kindof a sepecialised case. I am getting log data back from a DB that has 5 static properties and then any number of variable properties. The class looks like this:
Prop 1, prop 2, prop 3, collection of properties 4-n... all possible properties are known.
Based on the type of log, properties 4-n will be different, again, all possible properties will be known.
The values of these properties will always be text.
binding properties 1-3 are easy... but is it possible to bind column values to items within a sub collection? for example, key="{Binding PropCollection.Prop4}"
Thanks in advance for any help
Hi Marc,
If all properties are known, couldn't you create an object that contains properties for all possible properties being sent to the client?
Then when you get the data, loop through the properties and create columns for the props you got back?
If thats not possible, you can explore the options suggested in the following post, using TemplateColumns with DataTemplates built from strings, or creating a custom Column.
Yes... but that would be the easy way out and we wouldnt be programming Micrrosoft products if we settled for that... ;)
no, actually, I have about a dozen types of logs that contain the same core data, but each log has different sets of property data that would be within the collection. I would like to avoid defining on specific class for each of the log types. What I would like to do is have a generic class that contains the core data and then a collection of log entry proprties for the variable stuff. The collection would contain the property name, ID and value. When I get my log back I want to create the columns for that log type dynamically, then as I'm populating my rows, assign them to the specific properties within the sub collection.
So, what exactly are you doing?
Can you explain your scenario? Are you creating a Custom ColumnContentProvider?
What does your editing template look like?
The more information you provide, the better chance we have of helping you.
I am basically trying to reproduce the sample you suplied on the first page but with slightly different requirements
i am going to have a parent / child class set up. i would like the rows in the child collection to end up being the dynamic columns
i was able to get this 'working' in a view only set up. i need to allow the users to able to edit these dynamic columns
i will post the code i am using ion the next post.
If this is refering to my Unbound column issues, i have not experienced this since moving to the release version of 2010.1 Unbound Columns
once my solution built on this goes to QA if they find issues I may ask again in a new thread, but for now i am good to go.
i am not sure what you are refering to?
as for as going to 2010.1 i am not sure i am permitted to do that yet, got to get the bosses approval for that.
if that would be a better solutions, please share
at the moment my test page is throwing the exception posted a couple posts back
Brian Lagunas said: I actually have a more elegant solution to your problem and it does not involve writing any custom classes. I wrote a blog post on this issue. The blog is geared towards the DataGrid from the Silverlight Toolkit, but you can easily modify it to use the XamWebGrid like I do. The solution is here. Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
I actually have a more elegant solution to your problem and it does not involve writing any custom classes. I wrote a blog post on this issue. The blog is geared towards the DataGrid from the Silverlight Toolkit, but you can easily modify it to use the XamWebGrid like I do.
The solution is here.
Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
i was able to reproduce this with the SL Grid, tried to write the same test with the IG grid and cant even get the data to show up
any idea whats wrong with my sample or why that Silverlight is throwing that exception that i posted at the top of page 3, (when you click on one of the cells)????
yeah at the moment i am using this and it seems to work
Private Function CreateXamTemplateColumn(ByVal i As Integer, _ ByVal propName As String) As ColumnBase
Dim column As New TemplateColumn()
column.Key = propName & i
column.HeaderText = String.Format("Period#{0}.{1}", i, propName)
column.ItemTemplate = XamlReader.Load(CreateColumnTemplate(i, propName))
column.EditorTemplate = XamlReader.Load(CreateColumnEditTemplate(i, propName)) ' //edit template Return column End Function
Also, generate a unique key for each colum:
column.Key = propName //******* Generate Unqiue key **************// string.format("Column{0}", i); or something like that. Maybe use a random number or somehting, just make it unique.
make sure you are not concatenating anything to the propName parameter. Actually just remove it all together, and replace the {1} in the string.format method with the Hours property. Do this with both the item template and edit template methods.
Private Function CreateColumnEditTemplate(ByVal index As Integer) As String
Dim CellTemp As New StringBuilder() CellTemp.Append("<DataTemplate ") CellTemp.Append("xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/") CellTemp.Append("2006/xaml/presentation' ") CellTemp.Append("xmlns:x='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml'>") CellTemp.Append([String].Format("<TextBox Text='{{Binding Periods[{0}].Hours, Mode=TwoWay}}' TextAlignment='Right'/>", _ index, propertyName)) CellTemp.Append("</DataTemplate>")
Return CellTemp.ToString() End Function
so i guess based on what you were said earlier about them throwing an error, was it possibly the dup key i error.
i added the index to "hours" to change the key so i would not throw that exception
i changed it back to test, and just exited the loop after one and it seems to work.
anythoughts on how to get around this
ALSO, thanks for all the help!