Hi Can any one tell me how to set the subitem always visible if i click on that item. presently i removed the property of xamwebmenu ( expand on hover ) set to false but. if i click on sub item its holding but if i click any other button or anything on the page its dis appering. i want to see that should be visile always
Hi Ragshyd
If I understand you correct, you want the submenu to be visible always, regardless where you click on the page. If so, you have to handle SubmenuClosed and SubmenuOpened events. Below is the code snippet I prepare for you.private XamWebMenuItem previousItem = null;private void XamWebMenuItem_SubmenuClosed(object sender, EventArgs e){ previousItem.IsSubmenuOpen = true;} private void XamWebMenuItem_SubmenuOpened(object sender, EventArgs e){ previousItem = sender as XamWebMenuItem;}
<igMenu:XamWebMenuItem SubmenuOpened="XamWebMenuItem_SubmenuOpened" SubmenuClosed="XamWebMenuItem_SubmenuClosed">
Also I've attached the whole sample with described funtionality.
Hope this help.
Thanks a lot sir, its pefectly worked.have a great day.