I have to get the client id of a drop down in the RowEditTemplate of infragistics ultra web grid.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlRow" runat="server" onchange="BLOCKED SCRIPTChangeMade();" TabIndex="7" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="DiaryEventID"> </asp:DropDownList>
Above is the part of the code.
I tried to get the client id of the dropdown as
document.getElementById('<%=ddlRow.ClientID %>').value;
But I am getting NULL . Help appreciated.
If you are handling TemplateUpdateControlsHandler event, then you can get the id of the dropdownlist in the parameters of the TemplateUpdateControlsHandler event.
You will get the more information about it available at following link:<http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2010.1/CLR3.5/?page=WebGrid_Using_Row_Edit_Template.html>
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
NehaDeveloper Support EngineerInfragisticswww.infragistics.com/support