I have a webgrid that has a parent band and 3 child bands(all child bands are related to the parent band by a record id number. Here is the code:
Dim relMaterialsSeason As New DataRelation("Season Records"_, MainTable.Columns(0) , SeasonTable.Columns(1))
Dim relMaterialsSeason2 As New DataRelation("RSL Records" _, MainTable.Columns(0) , RSLTable.Columns(1))
Dim relMaterialsSeason3 As New DataRelation("Supplier Information" _ , MainTable.Columns(0) , SupplierTable.Columns(0))
When I run this, only the first child band shows. I have this exact code in a Winform and it works perfectly - what am I missing on this web form?
Hi Vince McDonald,
Iam also having same problem.
I have an heirarchy of ultrawebgrid with 'n-level' heirarchy
my heirarchical data as follows
1--> data1
2--> data4
this is heirarchical data, but here above data is displayed in web grid like
see observed here data7 and data8 not display in grid,i observed here grid has considered as first level bands (i.e. 3 bands) only,so second level also gets the 3bands only.
So this my issue on ultrawebgrid heirarchy.
please suggest me urgent .....................
Thanks in advance
We recommend waiting for the official release. CTP stands for "Community Technology Preview" - because this is a preview, there may yet be changes to the control to fix bugs or to provide additional functiionality.
Is it possible to use this CTP in a production environment? I cant seem to figure out which dll contains the new WebHeirarchialGrid....
Or, do we have to waite for the official release?
The result you have described is expected. WebGrid can show a single child level per parent level. It cannot display multiple child levels for a single parent.
This works in Windows Forms because our WinGrid control is capable of showing multiple levels of inheritance.
You may be interested in taking a look at the August CTP of our ASP.NET AJAX controls, as this includes a preview of our new WebHierarchicalDataGrid control. This control provides the ability to display multiple child bands per parent band.