Hi Everybody,
I am trying to get the current row components Id's dynamically from backing bean. But i am not getting the solution to get the ids. please anybody tell me the code to get the ids.
Thanks in Advance,
A.Viswanath Yadav
Hello Viswanath, Not sure if I correctly understood your question. However, in order to get the current WebGrid row value into the backing bean i.e. if each row contains link or button, then below code works.
// JSP Code<h:commandButton actionListener="#{simpleGridRows.getRowValue}" value="#{DATA_ROW.firstName}"/><ig:link actionListener="#{simpleGridRows.getRowValue}" value="link"/>
// Backing beanpublic void getRowValue(ActionEvent evnt){ PersonInfo obj = (PersonInfo) grid.getDataRow(evnt.getComponent());\ System.out.println(obj.getFirstName());}
Thank you!