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Changing Selected Background on Dynamic Object

I'm dynamically creating WebCombos on the server side, then populating them and change attributes.  I'm tring to change the background of the selected row with the code below, but it still remains the default blude.  I can change other options (like the font), but not the background color.  Does anyone know if this is a bug?

myCombo.DropDownLayout.SelectedRowStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(247, 143, 30)


  • 875

    Did you ever figure out how to fix this?  I'm having the same problem.

    combo.DropDownLayout.SelectedRowStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#87BCE8")

    I'm also getting a small black border around the selected row which I've also tried to set to the same colour as the above-mentioned colour, but it's not changing.

    It's frustrating.

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