Is there an example how to binding the data in the code behind with these options: Editable=True and ComboTypeAhead=Suggest & EnableXmlHTTP=true.
I am able to bind the data in the codebehind (C#), ( InitializeDataSource and InializeLayout). When I click the "Arrow", I saw my data in the listbox, now I type a character in the combobox, nothing happen. It supposes filter the listbox with the letter I type in the combo box.
Please help.
Look...there is no probem with the datasource, because the data appears, the problem is that it appears not filtered. About the ajax filtering properties....I have no idea about them, I copied a Sample and it works...but once customized in my project, the data is not filtered....!
You should describe your problem in more detail in order for somebody to help.
a) For example have you checked if all the properties are correct for the webCombo requiring Ajax filtering ?
b) After selectWhere() has been called in JavaScript, did you check if the server Page_Init() function being called ?
Your code should be like this:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) {
webCombo1.InitializeDataSource += new Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.InitializeDataSourceEventHandler(webCombo1_InitializeDataSource); }
private void webCombo1_InitializeDataSource(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.WebComboEventArgs e) {
if (webCombo1.DataSource == null && mDSOrders != null) { webCombo1.DataSource = mDSOrders; webCombo1.DataMember = mDSOrders.Orders; } } using the Webcombo in an application and am using the following to filter the combo client side when the previous combo is changed : var oCmbOrdr=igcmbo_getComboById(wcTypeClientID); oCmbOrdr.selectWhere("Key="+cust); but the List stays the same it doesnt filter with this always stays the same on all cases....... any Idea what could be wrong please ?? Help is greatly appreciated... Thanks
Have a look here, maybe it will help you$243b2973$$243b2973$
The old forum is also full of good discussions.
Thanks Tony,
Here is what I did
ASPX page:
<igcmbo:WebCombo ID="cbCountry" runat="server" BorderColor="LightGray" DropImage1="/ig_common/images/ig_cmboDownXP1.bmp"
Version="3.00" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="9pt">
<ExpandEffects ShadowColor="LightGray" />
<DropDownLayout BorderCollapse="Separate" RowHeightDefault="20px" Version="3.00" >
On the Codehide page:
DataSet objds;
objds = new DataSet();
objCmd.Connection = objConn;
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myDA.SelectCommand = objCmd;
cbCountry.DataSource = dv;
cbCountry.DataTextField = "Country_name";
e.Layout.Grid.Width = 250;
On the page load
this.cbCountry.InitializeLayout += new Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.InitializeLayoutEventHandler(this.cbCountry_InitializeLayout);
this.cbCountry.EnableXmlHTTP = true;
this.cbCountry.ComboTypeAhead = Infragistics.WebUI.WebCombo.TypeAhead.Suggest;
I see my data in the listbox if I click on the arrow key, but if type something in the webcombox, nothing happen. Do I have do some javascript code for this filter.