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Unable to change header text in javascript using setHeaderText('new heading')

I am experiencing a problem with Infragistics 2009 Vol 1 and the UltraWebGrid control.

I need to change the headings of my columns depending on what data is being shown.

here is a snippet of my javascript code.

var thisGrid = igtbl_getGridById('UltraWebGrid1');
thisGrid.Bands[0].getColumnFromKey("Column1").setHeaderText("Quote Number");

The width of the column is altered but the heading is not. 

I use this same line of code when changing the column headings of a grid within the WebCombo and it works.

Is there something I am missing?

  • 1923

    Just like to add that this is a problem for me in 2010 volume 3. however, it only fails if the grid has rows...if no rows are in the grid, the header text changes correctly.

    I am using the loadOnDemand option to change the rows of the grid...After each refresh in the AfterXmlHttp... event I want to update the header text...but yeah, only updates correctly if the grid has no rows.

  • 3732


    I did a very quick test in my sample and it works fine with NetAdvantage 2009 Vol 1 (9.1.20091.1015) CLR 2.0. I'm not sure which version you are using. Please provide some more details and include a sample if possible.

