Hi All,
First of all i would like to thank you all for your previous valuable suggestions. Currently i am working on JSF application where we used infragistics gridView component. The problem concern is initially when the JSF page is loaded we will display a list of records by specifying the datasource of the ig:gridView.
Now my question is, when the user updates a specific record from the list how to capture only those updated specific records??
Currently i am using gridView.getDataSource(...) method which is returning all the rows in the list which is wrong. I need to get only those records which are updated by the user.
Thanks in Advance
I hope the problem you are facing due to the incorrect event handler signature in your application. You should use following signature:public void rowValueChange(RowValueChangeEvent rowEvent){// Your code goes here}Hope it helps you.
Can i have the code please ...
My jsp code looks as below
My java code is
out.println("Row Event 0))))))))))))))))))))");
return "";
But the control is not coming into my java code..
Do I need to take care of anything else in jsp and java code for using value change listener...?
Hello Vijay,
If you are using cell editing feature then you can use the cell value change listener or row value chnage listener to get the index of operative row. You can get this information by using the event argument of the listener. Once you have index of the chanded row, you can fetch it from the underlying data model.
Hope it helps you.