I have a webgrid and i enabled paging on it with the following configuration:
<Pager PageSize="500" Alignment="Center" AllowPaging="True">...
Page numbers are displayed, and cause postback, but clicking no any page number causes grid to display only the first page.
I am not rebinding the grid, as that only happens on "view" button click event.
do i need to do something else to enable paging on a existing grid configuration?
Which version of NetAdvantage are you using and what build? Also. what is your datasource. I will create a sample to see if I can reproduce the behavior. Thank you.
version 8.2 build: 8.2.20082.1000
my datasource is a collection (List<>) of custom objects. Let me know if you need more details on that.
In case you were still looking for assistance with this. I would suggest you try to do your inital binding in the InitializeDatasource event. I tested a basic paging sample with your build and binding to a List<T>. If you are using this event and you still would like assistance, I suggest you open a new support request here: http://es.infragistics.com/support/submitrequest.aspx