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Activete RowEditTemplate only for some rows

Hi, I'm using Ultrawebgrid for my applcation:

I'm using a textarea for listing the errors in my application in the RowEditTemplate when the user clicks that particular row...

So I need to have texarea only when there are any errors..... otherwise when there are no errors i dont even want the row_template to pop up..... I'm using IE6.

I'm checking if there are any errors using I had to use the javascript event handler::*UltraWebGrid1_BeforeRowTemplateOpenHandler(gridName, rowId, templateId)*

where in I write the statements given below:document.getElementById("TextArea2").style.visibility="collapse" inside the above event function

1) it's showing javascript error as "Couldnot get the visibility property:Invalid Argument" but the row template does not pop up....... only the error's coming....

2) Is there any code to block the row template when there are no errors.?? i mean no pop_up for no errors

3) I need the error messages to be visible in the text area only when the particular row is selected... otherwise when clicks/selections happen in any other place,errors shod disappear........

Can u provide some code snippets???????

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