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pipe characters "|" in UltraGridColumns and databinding...

Hello all, I have a question about the WebGrid.

I am currently databinding to a dataset returned from a query from our database. I have set the DisplayLayout AutoGenerateColumns setting to "false", and I'm currently puttin UltraGridColumns in my <bands> collection for each column returned...

my first two columns work fine, I set the "BaseColumnName" and "Key" attributes of the UltraGridColumn to the name of the column that returns from query, and they bind fine...

but my third column is named this:
Characteristics|Number Of Holdings

and it appears that column is NOT binding properly.

Would this be b/c of the pipe delimiter in the column name beign returned from the query? Are there rules about "special" characters that can not be used for BaseColumnName or Key names in UltraGridColumns that are used to bind to a datasource?
