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Horizontal scroll bar in Ultrawebgrid


    I'm using C#.Net for my application and having Ultrawebgrid in the UI

Can u please tell me how to have both horizontal and vertical scroll bars in an Ultrawebgrid???

1) I had set up the properties:: ScrollBar: Always

                                            ScrollBar View: Both...

    But still horizontal scroll bar doesnot appear but vertical scroll bar could be seen.....

  and does this work in Mozilla Firefox also???



  • 3732


    When the DisplayLayout.ScrollBar is set to Always and DisplayLayout.ScrollBarView is set to Both, then the scroll bars should appear. If the width of the grid is big enough to show all the columns, then the Horizontal Scroll Bar is disabled. I would like to get more information to nail down the issue. My questions are:

    1) What version of NetAdvantage, .Net Framewok and VS you are using?

    2) What kind of events are you handling for the grid?

    3) Are you setting the properties in Design View or in the code?

    4) Are you using AppStyling?

    Please let me know your response.

    Yes, it should work the same way in FireFox.




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