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Help - where is DLL for Sample Browser?

Hi - I've downloaded & installed the samples app.   I'm trying to insert the LiveData sample into my own test app

The sample is looking for a assembly named Infragistics.Samples.Silverlight.Browser.DV
but the only DLL I find in the samples directory is named:
When I try to add this reference in VS2008 it errors out stating this DLL wasn't compiled for Silverlight.  Uh??

Multiple questions:
1.  Why is the sample installed DLL named differently from the LiveData sample located here:

2. Why is a reference to this 'Samples" DLL required vs. the normal Silverlight DV DLL's which are installed in C:\program files\Infragistics...? 
i.e. these sample DLL's aren't part of the normal SL DV install, so why have this additional DLL reference to a 'special' DLL which is outside of the norm?? 

3.  Why does a samples DLL obviously compiled for SL error out when trying to add it to a VS2008 SL project?
screen shot below:


Thanks in advance -