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error in UltraWebTab

I try to use the UltraWebTab in my application, but I’m getting an error “Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'this._postBackSettings.async' is null or not an object” when I change between tabs.

Please help me how to avoid this error

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AssortmentDashBoard.aspx.cs"

    Inherits="AssortmentTools_AssortmentDashBoard" Title=":.Hendry Assortment Tools.: Assortment Tools"

    MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/Hendry.master" %>


<asp:Content ID="AssortmentContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="BodyPlaceHolder" runat="server">


    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

 function CollapseLeftNav()






            <igtab:UltraWebTab ID="tabsAssortment" runat="server" EnableViewState="true" AutoPostBack="true" Height="680px" Width="99%"

                BarHeight="0" BorderWidth="0" OnTabClick="tabsAssortment_TabClick" >

                <DefaultTabStyle Height="20px" ForeColor="white" Font-Bold="true" />

                <RoundedImage FillStyle="LeftMergedWithCenter" HoverImage="../images/tab_hover.gif"

                    NormalImage="../images/tab_top_normal.gif" SelectedImage="../images/tab.gif" />

                <HoverTabStyle ForeColor="black">



                    <igtab:Tab Key="Recommend Assortment" Text="Recommend Assortment">


                    <igtab:Tab Key ="Compare Assortment" Text="Compare Assortment">


                    <igtab:Tab Key="Examine Assortment" Text="Examine Assortment">


                    <igtab:Tab Key="Share Scenarios" Text="Share Scenarios">





And the code behind is as below.


public partial class AssortmentTools_AssortmentDashBoard : System.Web.UI.Page


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        ((MasterPages_Hendry)this.Page.Master).PageTitle = "Assortment Tools Dashboard";

        ((MasterPages_Hendry)this.Page.Master).AddBodyAttribute("onload", "CollapseLeftNav()");

        if (Session["AddProduct"] != null)


            tabsAssortment.SelectedTabIndex = 1;




            tabsAssortment.SelectedTabIndex = 0;




    protected void tabsAssortment_TabClick(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebTab.WebTabEvent e)


        if (e.Tab.Key.ToString() == "Compare Assortment")


            e.Tab.ContentPane.TargetUrl = "../AssortmentTools/CompareAssortment.aspx";


            tabsAssortment.SelectedTabIndex = 1;





    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)






    private void InitializeComponent()






  • 24497


    The exception 'this._postBackSettings.async' is probably coming from the collapse() function which is called by CollapseLeftNav. The UltraWebTab or any Infragistics controls do not have variable with name _postBackSettings.

    I suggest you to insert in front of "collapse();" new line with "debugger;". When you debug page and hit that debug statement, then press F11. That may help you to figure out where exception is coming from, where _postBackSettings is used and why it is null.