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UltraWebTab Traget URLs


I'm using UltraWebTab with 3 tabs in a webpage which is integrated in a master page. and my code for the same looks like the below one.

I assigned all the tabs with Target URLs in Content Pane of tabs. and the UltraWebTab is loading with all the target urls.

What I need is when I click a particular tab, the assigned URL then should be loaded.

Please help which approach I need to follow.
































asp:UpdatePanel ID="updpnlAssortmentContent" runat="server">






<igtab:UltraWebTab ID="tabsAssortment" runat="server" Height="680px" Width="99%" BarHeight="0" BorderWidth="0" >



<DefaultTabStyle Height="20px" ForeColor="white" Font-Bold="true" />



<RoundedImage FillStyle="LeftMergedWithCenter" HoverImage="../images/tab_hover.gif" NormalImage="../images/tab_top_normal.gif" SelectedImage="../images/tab.gif" />



<HoverTabStyle ForeColor="black"></HoverTabStyle>






<igtab:Tab Text="Recommend Assortment">



<ContentPane TargetUrl="../AssortmentTools/RecommendAssortment.aspx">









<igtab:Tab Text="Compare Assortment">



<ContentPane TargetUrl="../AssortmentTools/CompareAssortment.aspx">









<igtab:Tab Text="Examine Assortment">



<ContentPane TargetUrl="../AssortmentTools/ExamineAssortment.aspx">









<igtab:Tab Text="Share Scenarios">



<ContentPane TargetUrl="../AssortmentTools/ShareScenarios.aspx">



















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