If there are more than 1000 items present in the WebCombo, then AutoComplete is not working properly.
The application is getting hanged , whenever user is trying to type in. Please provide any solution on this.
A sample of this functionality can be found here:
Im very new in Infragestics,so please help me to do Auto complete in Asp.net using Infragestics controls.
Is it possible by use WebCombo. if yes, how?
Please help me
Thanks in Advance
You can also try the WebDropDown ASP.NET AJAX control we shipped in 2009.1. It should work fine with 1000 items.
Moreover, you can enable Paging and LoadOnDemand features, to limit the initial number of items that are sent to the client.
Also you can use the AutoFilterResultSize property, to control the maximum results that will be returned when filtering.
This is really pushing the limits of the JavaScript. Try changing to ComboTypeAhead=Suggest.