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Error when using AsyncPanel

I drop an AsyncPanel control on my web page, compile the app and received the following message:

Error 4 C:\Development\Dana Farber Campaigns\licenses.licx: Could not transform licenses file into a binary resource.  Could not load file or assembly 'lc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. C:\Development\licenses.licx C:\Development\

Update: I am receiving the SAME error when trying to use an UltraWebListBar.. Evidently, something either is not configured correctly, or Infragistics did not install correctly...

Using VS 2008, 3.5 Framework.. any help on what's going on??


  • 28464


    I have seen this types of problems, when the "license.licx" file is added to the project, or marked as a resource. The license.licx  file should not be added to the project, otherwise the application tries to compile it / add it as a resource, hence the problem you are getting.

    You can also try deleting / renaming the file (it will be autogenerated next time you compile)

    Hope this helps.