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WebCombo- On click of webcombo field in the grid getting JScript Error

Task: Populate Order details in the Ultra web grid and modify the data (i.e. Customer Name) in the grid and finally save the data to the database.


Infragistics s/w used: Net Advantage for .NET 2007 Vol. 2 CLR 2.0


Problem description: When the user clicks on web combo field (i.e. Customer Name cell) getting error on second post back


 I have created web application with the following pages

1. Default.aspx

          Controls placed: WARP and userControl1.ascx (i.e. step 2)

2. UserControl1.ascx:

          Controls placed: Ultrawebgrid, web combo AND SAVE button (runat=Server)

          a) In page Init, bounded all the order details to the web grid

          b) In Page load, bounded customer details to the web combo


Steps to re-produce the bug:

1) as soon as load the application,

Ultra web grid is populated with columns like Order ID, Customer Name (attached web combo, to select the customer from drop down list) and Employee Name etc.

2) Modify the web combo field (i.e. customer Name cell) in the grid by choosing dropdown list

3) Click on save button, the modified data (i.e. Customer name) is saved in the database and grid is re-freshed with the new customer name (which is modified in step 2) -- TILL HERE WORKING FINE


4) If the user again selects any of the row from the grid and tries to modify the Customer Name (i.e. by selecting the Customer from Customer lookup dropdown list) it throws a Jscript error.


Here are the error details:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'this.Band' is null or not an object

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Band.Columns' is null or not an object


Please suggest.




  • 14049
    Offline posted
    That sounds like a bug. Please contact developer support regarding this

    It may work better if you use the UpdatePanel instead of WARP. Just a