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UltraWebMenu not displaying Sub-Menus on Server

Hi all,

Firstly my apologies for posting this question as I'm sure it has been posted before but I cannot seem to find the answer.

I have added a UltraWebMenu to my master page and it works perfectly in my dev environment (everything running locally on my machine).

When I upload the web app to the hosted web server the sub menus will not drop down when I hover over the menu items. I am guessing that I have a missing reference to a CSS class.. ? But which one I do not know.

Here is the UltraWebMenu Code I am using:

<ignav:UltraWebMenu ID="UltraWebMenu1" runat="server" BackColor="Black" FileUrl=""

                        Height="100%" JavaScriptFilename="" JavaScriptFileNameCommon=""

                        LeafItemImageUrl="" ParentItemImageUrl="" StyleSetName="" TargetFrame="" TargetUrl=""

                        TopAligment="Center" TopItemSpacing="Compact" Font-Bold="True">


                            <ignav:Style BorderStyle="Outset" BorderWidth="1px" CssClass="TopHover3" Cursor="Default">


                            <ignav:Style BorderColor="Black" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CssClass="TopClass3">



                        <IslandStyle BackColor="Black" BorderStyle="Outset" BorderWidth="2px" Cursor="Default"

                            Font-Names="MS Sans Serif" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="White">


                        <HoverItemStyle BackColor="DarkBlue" Cursor="Default" ForeColor="White">



                            <ScrollTopDisabledImage Url="/Images/Menu/ig_menu_scrollUp_disabled.gif" />

                            <ScrollBottomDisabledImage Url="/Images/Menu/ig_menu_scrollDown_disabled.gif" />

                            <SubMenuImage Url="/Images/Menu/arrow_white.gif" />

                            <ScrollBottomImage Url="/Images/Menu/ig_menu_scrollDownWhite.gif" />

                            <ScrollTopImage Url="/Images/Menu/ig_menu_scrollUpWhite.gif" />


                        <ItemStyle CssClass="MenuItemClass" ForeColor="White" Height="20px" />


                            <ignav:Item TargetUrl="Home.aspx" Text="Home">


                            <ignav:Item Text="Dictionaries">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="UserDetails.aspx" Text="Users">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="dictXCons.aspx" Text="XCon">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="dictCounties.aspx" Text="Counties">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="dictLocations.aspx" Text="Locations">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="dictMethod.aspx" Text="Methods">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="dictSpecies.aspx" Text="Species">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="dictWindDirection.aspx" Text="Wind Direction">




                            <ignav:Item Text="Reports">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="ReportSearch.aspx" Text="Reports Search">


                                    <ignav:Item TargetUrl="ReportCreate.aspx" Text="Create Report">





                        <DisabledStyle CssClass="MenuDisabledClass" ForeColor="LightGray">



                            <ignav:Level Index="0" />

                            <ignav:Level Index="1" />


                        <SeparatorStyle BackgroundImage="/Images/Menu/ig_menuStandardSep.gif" CustomRules="background-repeat:repeat-x; " />

                        <ExpandEffects ShadowColor="LightGray" Type="Fade"></ExpandEffects>

                        <MenuClientSideEvents InitializeMenu="" ItemChecked="" ItemClick="" SubMenuDisplay=""



I am using the APTCA dll's from Program files for the WebMenu control as the server is shared hosting.


Thanks in advance  

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