Getting an error in ScriptResource.axd "No such interface supported." on document within this if statement:
if (expectedDomElement && (param !== window) && (param !== document) && !(window.HTMLElement && (param instanceof HTMLElement)) && (typeof(param.nodeName) !== 'string'))
this is part of the function
Function._validateParameterType = function Function$_validateParameterType(param, expectedType, expectedInteger, expectedDomElement, mayBeNull, paramName)
Sorry about that.. I think I didn't paste in the entrire message I was trying to send.
Basically I am initiating a PDF export and this error occurs when that if statement tries to compare "document" to "param" (param !== document) . "no such interface supported" is on the "document". If I continue on the error I still get the PDF document sent back i the header and it loads into the browser.
I will try and put a quick sample together and see if I get the same results to send over to you.
What confuses me is that this started happenning on a module that hadn't really changed. I thought it might be specific to the module but all of the reports we have that do exporting are giving same results.
This is very hard to tell from the error message. Is there a way we can reproduce that locally so we can provide additional ideas / solution? How exactly are you getting the message? What is your setup?