I am unable to get a webdatechooser to work with an ultragridcolumn. I'm using .NET 7.3 version. In the cell I can enter text but the webdatechooser never pops up for me to select a date from.
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn HeaderText="Date Bill Received" Key="BillDate" BaseColumnName="BillDate" Format="MM/dd/yyyy" Type="Custom" DataType="System.DateTime" AllowUpdate="Yes" NullText=""></igtbl:UltraGridColumn>
<igsch:webdatechooser ID="txtDate" Runat="server" BorderWidth="0px" BorderStyle="None" Visible="false"> <CalendarLayout FooterFormat="Today: {0:d}"></CalendarLayout> <ExpandEffects ShadowColor="LightGray"></ExpandEffects></igsch:webdatechooser>
In the code behind
Private Sub grdBills_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.LayoutEventArgs) Handles grdBills.InitializeLayout
grdBills.Bands(0).Columns.FromKey("BillDate").EditorControlID = txtDate.UniqueID
End Sub
Is there a reason why the webdatechooser in an ultrawebgrid sample doesn't show any helpful code? Or am I missing something?
UltraWebGrid2.Bands[0].Columns.HeaderText = "Data Emiss";// "Data Emiss";
// UltraWebGrid2.Bands[0].Columns.Format = "MM-dd-yyyy";
UltraWebGrid2.Bands[0].Columns.EditorControlID = WebDateChooser1.UniqueID;
UltraWebGrid2.Bands[0].Columns.Type = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ColumnType.Custom;
I am a bit surprised given that several users are reporting the same issue, that the code for the sample
for this problem is "hidden", that it is not being addressed. Why is the code in the sample hidden behind a redirect?
Great! I have visible = true too. Infragistics hides the control if it is assigned to a grid cellAbout source code: you can open the sample http://samples.infragistics.com/2007.3/webfeaturebrowser/default.htmpanel "Schedule", item "Date Chooser in WebGrid" and there is the code...
wrenn in the first post that you write there is in the control webdatechoser "Visible="false" . This is wrong -> visible must = true i try before in my code .
are you using some panel or something like that? Regards,Fernando
I have the data type set in the aspx page: