I am looking at somebody else's code and I saw this "Editable" column check, and this column is not added any where so I was wondering how it is getting added to the grid.
Sub _uwgData_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles _uwgData.InitializeRow
end if
end sub
could you please tell me how this column is getting generated and what the use of this column?
is it to check whether column or grid is in editable state?
There is a column with a key value called Editable. It may had been generated by the designer or in code in the Initializelayout event. The column will behave as any column, Editable is just a name for it.
For Each col As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridColumn In ugrdAScheduleMaint.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns
With col
Select Case (.Key)
Case "Month ID"
.Header.Caption = "Month ID"
.Header.ClickAction = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.HeaderClickAction.SortSingle
.CellStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle
.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
.Width = ugrdAScheduleMaint.Width.Pixel(55)
I am using vb.NET 2003 I can't seem to find AllowEditing any where nor can I find a way through coding it in. I am trying to make sure each cell in my UltraWebGrid is avaible for change by the end user so they can update and play with the numbers.
In this particular code snippet, this simply denotes that there is a column in the grid with name (key) "EDITABLE" and that is all -- this in no way interferes with the grid. I would guess the developer used this as a flag or something, but it really depends on his logic.
Per column, you can use the AllowEditing property and set it to True / False, if this is what you need.