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ClassCastException for Grid

Hi all, I am getting bellow error while running my xhtml page.

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.infragistics.faces.grid.component.GridView cannot be cast to com.infragistics.faces.grid.component.html.HtmlGridView


My grid code is as below which is included in a xhtml page.

 <fieldset xmlns:f=""
 style="width: 100%; border: 0px;">

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  <div style="height: 204px; width: 726px; overflow-x: auto;">
   id="myGrid" binding="#{gridbean.myGrid}"
   pageSize="0" sortingMode="multi" resizableColumns="true"
   columnHeaderStyleclass="igGridColumnHeader" style="height:204px;width: 726px;">


And my bean code is

import  com.infragistics.faces.shared.enumeration.ExportFormat;

import com.infragistics.faces.shared.enumeration.DataToExport;

import  com.infragistics.faces.grid.component.GridView;

private GridView myGrid= new GridView();
private ListDataModel gridDataModel;

with its getter and setter

But while ruuning the page its getting cust call exception,

could anyabody plz help why it is happening?

If I use  import com.infragistics.faces.grid.component.html.HtmlGridView; 
 then its working fine, but while going to export the data its showing exception again.


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  • 1765
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Gantait,

    Yes!! we receive 'ClassCastExcpetion', if we try to initialize new GridView object in backing bean i.e. 'Private GridView myGrid= new GridView();'. Instead just declare 'Private GridView myGrid;' and generate Getters and setters.

    Thank you!


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