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Ultra Web Grid Performance


I am working on a project for display general ledger summary, which requires me to display a web page with editable Ultra Web Grid which has a minimum of 1400 rows and maximum of 1700 rows with 16 columns in IE 6.0.

This page should have the functionality of Group By, cut, copy and paste.

I have implemented the above mentioned features, but when I try to use them the IE and the entire grid works really slow.

For example:  

  • Once I have loaded the grid with data (in 8 seconds), and then I try to expand all by using the code grid.ExpandAll(True) and it takes about 50 seconds to display up the information on the screen.
  • Once I have expanded all the GroupBy sections and then I am trying to select a cell or a range of cells, there is a delay of about 30 – 40 seconds. This happens every time when I try to select a cell.

Retrieving the data takes only about 3 to 4 seconds.

My requirements are such that, I not able to using paging feature. The desired output should look like a balance sheet.

Can someone please advice, if using Ultra Web Grid would be the correct approach for the above mentioned scenario?

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

Amit Shah

  • 28464
    Verified Answer

    Hello Amit,

    Indeed, performance has always been a commonly discussed topic here in forums -- that is why we have a great collection of resources on performance that is already available. 

    For a start, please check out this post for performance suggestions (and actually, the whole thread is very useful)

    For grouping specific issues, please check out this post:

    and finally, you can see a lot of performance related documentation topics in our online help here:

    Hope this helps.

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