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Copy,paste functionality not working with grid having webcombo in one of the columns


I am working on ultrawebgrid,where I want copy and paste functionalities to be present using keyboard as well as ultrawebmenu on Clientside

I am having the ultrawebmenu displaying on the rowselectors so taht when a user clicks on the rowselector of a particular row,for copying or pasting,the menu will be shown.

I tried doing the copy and paste options using Cntrl+C AND Cntrl+V,using AfterClipBoardOpeartions handler of the ultrawebgrid,I am getting javascript error "Undefined".

I have a webcombo in my 1st column,and value lists in the other columns.

when I use grid.copy() and grid.paste() function I am able to get only the DisplayMember of the webcombo.I also need DataValue of webcombo as its the key,I have name and Id in webcombo.

On copy I get only the name,I want Id also inorder to save that row,as saving is requiring even the Id too.

Any solution or suggestion will be appreciated..!