I have this rather strange problem. I'm using the webtextedit for my forms. But when it is displayed in Firefox, and when the user tries to change the input language to Greek with the Alt+Shift combination in the keyboard, the webtextedit displays this rather strange characters: ÀÀ I've included an image just to show you what I mean.
Why is that? Please help me because if I can not solve this, i will be forced to stop using the webtextedit... And I don't want that.
there is news for this problem?
I've a similar bug.
I've integrate a webtextedit into ultrawebgrid.
If I press 'F2' to enter on edit mode, the char 'q' is write to webtextedit.
Can I help me?
From what I see, this might be something that will be better / faster resolved if you contact Developer Support directly, since I am not sure we will be able to address that in public peer-to-peer forums. Developer Support can be reached here: