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UltraWebGrid default styles not working on initial page load

I'm actually having a problem with several infragistics controls not applying any of the default styles upon the initial page load.  It takes a postback for the styles to get applied.

I'm using version 2008.1 of the UltraWebGrid and I've used the properties to set the default styles for the DisplayLayout.  Things like HeaderStyleDefault, RowStyleDefault, RowAlternateStyleDefault.  I'm not using CssClass attributes to set the styles.  Are there any known issues with 2008.1 in this area?  Are there fixes for this sort of thing in 2008.3?  I haven't been able to reproduce the problem in a simplified application, so I'm just looking for known things to check or known issues that may have been addressed in a later release.

Upgrading could potentially break other things, so I just thought I would check before I head down this road.  Again, I'm having problems with other infragistics controls behaving similarly as I described for the UltraWebGrid, so the problem is not limited to just the grid.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
Best Regards,

  • 175
    Verified Answer

    Well, I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to 2008.3 to see if it would resolve these problems and I'm glad to say that on the surface it appears to have resolved the problems.  A bit more extensive testing will see if the upgrade broke anything else.

    Just thought I would share,