I am working on a .NET 1.1 application using Ultraweb grid. I have a checkbox on the columnHeader of a column. When i check the check box in the ColumnHeader, all the check boxes in that column should be checked.
I want to disable sorting when i check/uncheck the checkbox in the header. Sorting should only happen when i click the columnHeader.
How to do Disable sorting when i check/Uncheck the checkbox in the columnHeader?
<igtbl:UltraGridBand> <columns>
<igtbl:TemplatedColumn AllowUpdate="Yes" SortIndicator="Disabled" Key="chkDel"
Type="CheckBox" width=100%>
<Table vAlign="top" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >
<td vAlign="top" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-SIZE: 12px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"
width=100% > Delete </td>
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-SIZE: 8px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"
<input type="checkbox" runat="server" id="chkDel1"
NAME="chkDel1" />Select All
<Header Caption="DeleteAll" >
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="8" />
</igtbl:TemplatedColumn> </columns>
Thanks for sharing -- much appreciated, surely will be useful for other people as well. I just want to add that this solution is for grid 6.1, in my tests for 8.3 the event was cancelled automatically by the grid, so I guess there is no need for the custom code Ashok suggested.
Thanks again.
It works fine if i add this line of code in Mouseup event.
Is it possible to cancel BeforeSortColumn client-side event in the Javascript code?
Can i check whether to Sort the column or not in BeforeSortColumn client-side event and cancel the sorting ?
Hello Ashok,
It is hard for us to provide support in public forums for 6.1 since it is more the 3 years back. My suggestion is upgrading to the last version - a lot of new features have been added and issues fixed, plus a lot of new controls (including ones from Aikido) have been added. Our tests of your scenario with 8.3 showed that this setup is working fine.
If this is not possible in your scenario, please contact our Developer Support team directly via the following link:
Thanks for your reply. we are using .NET 1.1 framework and Ultraweb grid 6.1.
when we click on the check box on the column header that column is sorted.
We want this to happen only when header is clicked.
How this can be handled? How to Enable/ disable sorting in Javascript and VB code