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'BC30560: 'Style' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Infragistics.WebUI.Shared'.

 Compiler error message is 'BC30560:'Style Is ambiguous in the namespace 'Infragistics.WebUI.Shared'.

I am trying to apply preset for webtab.when i am trying to run thecpage it shows the above error.Can any one suggest how to solve it?


  • 200

    if any body has this type of error.


    Just open web.config file.  You will find multiple versions of contol like following

    I dont need following so i deleted , where these(Infragistics35.WebUI.WebCombo.v9.2,) are conflicting with Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.2

    <add assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.WebCombo.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>
        <add assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.Shared.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>
        <add assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>

     it just works fine.

    add assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>
        <add assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.Shared.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>


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