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Can u plz help me from start to end by procedure in adding a drop down list to Ultra web grid??
Hi, I've used Northwind as SQLDatasource and Customers as my table in the DB... I could implement insert,update and delete in my DB using Ultra web grid... Now I've added a new column which is "Year".. where i WANT 2 USE Drop-down list listing a set of 10 years... Can u plz help me out in this from start to end as I can't get through the present forums clearly to get my thing done.
  • 681

    I've done this as follows...

     UNDER <Columns> tag, i've added


    <igtbl:TemplatedColumn key="Year of joining" AllowUpdate="Yes"

    Type="DropDownList" BaseColumnName="Year of joining" >

    <Header Caption="Year of joining">

    <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2" />



    <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2" />



    <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat=server Width=70px>




    Here, I've used NorthWind as the data source.... and i hav dropdown appearing for each row in the grid.. but

    ==> all dropdowns are like appearing in 1st column with the caption "Year of joining"..

    ==> If I set  IsBound="true" in TemplatedColumn tag ... then all my DropDowns disappear

    How can i tackle this...???  OR Is it like I can't use DropDowns for NorthWind Database......

     I want to populate the DropDown list and use it to update, insert into the NorthWind Dtatabase using the Ultrawebgrid....

    Can any1 plz help me in these????

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