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How to identify which node is selected when multiple nodes have the same text

If every node has its own unique text, this is very easy.


Handles UltraWebTree1.NodeSelectionChanged

I can use selectedNode.Text however since there are multiple nodes have the same name this is not going to work.

In Page_Init I added a bunch of nodes and get the index put it into Private variable such as

Private RootNodeIndex as integer


RootNodeIndex = ANode.Index

and inside UltraWebTree1_NodeSelectionChanged procedure

I used

Dim nodeIndex as integer = selectedNode.Index

Select Case nodeIndex

When I choose ANode the nodeIndex supposed to be the value of RootNodeIndex however

everytime I tested it turns out to be 0.

Looks like the private RootNodeIndex value does not hold as it did before postback.

Do we have any good resolution for this matter?

  • 570

    each ultrawebtree node has 2 additional properties. They are:

    1.) node.Tag

    2.) node.DataKey

    while initializing a tree, you can use a variable to set value with each node's tag property and increment it, so that each node gets unique tag. And inside the void UltraWebTree1_NodeSelectionChanged(object sender, WebTreeNodeEventArgs e) method, you can use:

    int tag =Convert.ToInt32(e.Node.Tag.ToString()); to retrieve unique tag for each node.

    And if you need to search a tree for a specific node using its tag, you can use:

    Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node searchNode= UltraWebTree1.Find("type the tag as string"); it will find the node with that tag

  • 7694

    You can use the WebTreeNodeEventArgs e to work with current selected node. Please take a look at the code below:
    protected void tree_NodeSelectionChanged(object sender,
            Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
            TextBox1.Text = e.Node.Text;
            //You can use also other properties of the node:
    Also you can take a look links:
    CSOM :
    Hope this helps.