When clicking on a header to sort a column, it does a postback, but it doesn't include the sort criteria on the ObjectDataSoruce. When the grid refreshes, it does a client-side sort of only the visible rows. If I scroll down so it does a LoadOnDemand, this time the ObjectDataSource has a sort criteria and the new rows are correctly sorted, but the whole grid is not sorted correctly because of the first page.
Any ideas on how to make the first sort pass the sort criteria to the ObjectDataSource? The ObjectDataSource is returning an array of objects.
Hello Doug,
I think there are a couple of approaches here
1) Use the grid built-in functionality - use sorted column by default, with something similar to:
MyGrid.Bands(0).SortedColumns.ClearMyGrid.Bands(0).SortedColumns.Add(MyGrid.Columns.FromKey("MyPrimaryName"), True)
More info, details and additional code samples can be found in this forum thread:
2) Sort the ObjectDataSource (or at least the first page) prior to binding the grid.