i have one grid in my page , this gird should be binding data base on search , means i have about 4-5 search fields and base on that i have to bind that grid in my page , after that i need selected row and selected row change event for that gird ,
my problem is i can't find selected index chage event for that gird , because i bind that gird in search button click event , i know i have to bind grid in datasource event , but i can't understand how to bind gird base on search fields and get row change event
i also use BO/enity collection class for bind grid not dataset or data reader
and i also lost my gird data data when page is postback two time , i used ajax updatepane too
i want to know how to do paging in grid , i have to bind or call same mathod every time when user select another page number
and every post back that grid data bind method would be fire ?
As far as I can tell, you are trying to base the datasource of a grid based on the button click of another server control, and then persist the datasource through postbacks. This is not something that can be built-in in UltraWebGrid automatically. As Alex said, you can change datasources in the postback event handler, but after that, you need to rebind the grid (set its datasource) every time the page refreshes. This is normal and expected in a ASP.NET page life-cycle.
You can use the Session or ViewState to store the key to the datasource you are using and then rebind in Page_Load if this is not the initial request to the page (Page.IsPostBack = True). Still, this is purely application logic and is not directly related to UI controls like UltraWebGrid.
Hi thanks for help
but let me know how can i bind webgrid using collection of BO/Entity Calss object on button click
and not loss data in any post back and also need that pageing stuff too , i used updata panel so
plz let me know with out datasource how can i do that , because datasource event has fire berfore post back every time , so it's hit the data base every time when page is post back
that's the way gird is working ?
i m still loss my data
i have search button , and in side that button click i need to bind that gird , and i have to select any row and bind another gird
may be user change the selection from first gird ,
and i also want that page inext chage one two , with datasource it's works fine
tell me what i should to do
i m using BO/entity classes , i bind the grid from collection class object
can tell y i loss my gird data when page is post back , i bind grid in button click event using collection classes
do i have to bind grid in data source event or in side that page.ispostback event ?