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Embedding a scrolling selection list in a tree node?

I have a WebTree that will have a LOT of nodes at one level.  Possibly more than 100.  This one branch of the tree will be non-hierarchical with no children below the huge level.  So, as a result when that node is opened it will take an enormous amount of screen real estate.  Making it a separate control is not possible because it must act with radio checkbox behavior on the whole tree. 

I have the radio checkbox behavior working.  That is not a problem (although radio checkbox behavior really should be a built in WebTree setting.  A lot of people ask about it.)

Is there a way to make a tree node a scrolling list of checkboxes that I can access through the WebTree in c#? 

Alternately, is there a way to scroll the entire tree so that it wont take up more than a certain height?




  • 28464


    I am not quite sure I understand the scenario in detail. If you need a flat scrolling checkable list of items, then I guess it is relatively easy to achive with a treeview with checkboxes that consists only of root nodes. Just make sure to explicitly set the Height attribute of the treeview, so that you can see scrollbar next to the list of nodes. Is this the case? To make it scrollable - you just need to set Height explicitly.

    Am I missing something?