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Moving rows in an Infragistics WebGrid

I'm using Infragistics v 6.3.  Are there any good examples/tutorials on moving rows in a hierarchical grid?  I'm able to get some of the functionality going, but am running into some visual issues that occur after I move a row.  When I try expanding/collapsing a row, it appears to overlap the rest of the grid (it looks like a messed-up Z-index property).  I'd be glad to provide code, if needed.

  • 28464


    Indeed, it is very hard for us to reproduce the problem / help, without seeing some samples first.  Maybe the top level container comtaining the grid has position absolute set? (if this is the case, can you please set it to position:relative and see how it goes)? Other than that, if you can show us some sample code, this will surely provide additional clues.

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