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Flipping Rows<->Columns?

 I have a list of data objects containing survey responses for various sites {siteName, response1, response2, response3...}.  It is very easy to make a DataGrid with each site as a row and the survey responses as columns (one column per survey question).

 However, I need to present the data the other way.  The indeterminate number of sites need to be columns with each question presented as a row.

 Is there a way to automatically rotate a DataGrid to do this or am I stuck doing it the hard way of mapping my list of data object to another list containing rotated data?



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  • 24671

     Hi Clark,

    Thanks for your feedback - it is currently not possible to do this in an easy way with the UltraWebGrid. What you can do is have a dynamic grid for example, register your own handler for the InitializeLayout / InitializeDataSource UltraWebGrid events, and on a postback (button click or something like this)  manipulate the current grid's layout by adding new columns, removing columns, defining bands (in case it's a hierarchical grid), and so on.

    You can find examples how InitializeLayout is used in the Infragistics Samples Browser ( :

    WebGrid -> Defining Layouts 

    I hope this helps,


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