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Merge Cells on Hidden Text

I have a column with id's in them and I need to group by this column.  What I would like to do is put a background image in the cells in this column and then hide the text (id).  So the order of events in my head is 1-Load Grid, 2-Merge cells based on values, 3-Replace cell text with background image.


On the IntializeLayout event I have:

e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns.FromKey("ServiceId").MergeCells = True

On the InitializeRow event I have the following, but with this I get undesired results due to the merging of all cells in the column b/c .Value = Nothing

        With e.Row.Cells
            'Set ServiceId column to picture
            .FromKey("ServiceId").Style.CustomRules = "Background-repeat:no-repeat"
            .FromKey("ServiceId").Style.BackgroundImage = "phone.png"
            .FromKey("ServiceId").Style.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
            .FromKey("ServiceId").Style.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle
            .FromKey("ServiceId").Value = Nothing
        End With


I really appreciate any ideas you might have.
