I want to display a scrollabe ultrawebgrid with some columns as dropdownlist or most probably webcombo ( which will be populated from database ) and checkboxes. Also I want to perform some functionality if checkboxes are selected on server side.
How can I achieve this ?
Please help me.
Thanks for the reply.
I am displaying UltraWebGrid with data from SQL. As per your post I have added a checkbox as UltraGridColumn as one of the requirement.
But I want to display one of the database columns as dropdown only when in edit mode. How I can I achive this?
in UltraWebGrid in UltraGridColumn there is a property called Type you can set this property to checkbox or dropdownlist and if you want to use webcombo you can put a non visible(display:none) webcombo in the page and in you UltraGridColumn set EditorControlID = "comboID".
to populate data you can do it on row init event. as you will have datarow available at that event.