Does anyone know what the most latest version of this control is? Windows reports the file versionn as, however, VB reports it as v8.03 Build 0003. Is there anyone who has something newer?
Doing development on an application referencing the controls requires that you have a license to be in compliance with the license agreement. If you don't have a license you should purchase one and that would give you access to the installer so that you could install the product and get the help.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
I guess too... but I'm just giving support to an old app and noone have the installer.
Is there another way?
I believe that the documentation is installed with the product so you would need to install the product to get the help.
Do you know where I can found a .chm or online documentation?
The latest version fo PVCombo.ocx is 8.04.0013. For purchasing products, you can reach out to and they can assist you.