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Coming on serverside Grid loses Index


I have a webgrid in my page.

I am getting data from the user. I have a fix column in WebGrid against which user enteres data.

problem is when I enter data it takes just 1st and 2nd row. from 3rd rows onwards data is lost. and whatever is entered last after 2nd row. i.e. 4th or 5th row which is last in index. that row's data is assigned to 2nd row on server side.

I checked from view source on client side it shows all things perfact as it should be but when it comes to serverside I am just able to get first 2 rows and that with wronge data in 2nd row.

does anyone has came accross this type of isssue?


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  • 813

    I found another thing for same problem.

    it is not loosing index but it is taking last edited cell.

    for example.

    I have 5 rows.

    2nd cell of all rows are editable.

    and 1st cell is already there as I have saved it before.

    now if I enter code2 in 2nd row, code3 in 3rd row and code4 in 4th row (in 2nd editable cell)

    while coming on serverside when I loop through grid rows.

    it gets code4 for 2nd row and all other values are gone. it finds empty string for all other rows.

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