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UltraWebTab LoadOnDemand - only run selected usercontrol?

I wanted to get some clarification on the LoadOnDemand feature of WebTab. When AsyncMode=On and EnableLoadOnDemand=True, it seems that WebTab only returns html for the selected tab as expected. However, when stepping through the code in debug mode, it appears that each usercontrol is still run on the server side with each tab click.

Is there any way to only run the selected usercontrol? I've tried adding usercontrols via the UserControlUrl property as well as manually including the usercontrol in a ContentTemplate. I believe I have a workaround in place, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some built-in setting.

<igtab:UltraWebTab ID="tabDevice" runat="server" TabOrientation="LeftTop" BarHeight="0" LoadAllTargetUrls="False" Width="100%" AsyncMode="On" >
   <asyncoptions EnableLoadOnDemand="true"/>
<igtab:Tab Text="UC 1" AsyncOption="LoadOnDemand" Key="MyTab1">
<ContentPane UserControlUrl="deviceModules/deviceUC.ascx" />
<igtab:Tab Text="UC 2" AsyncOption="LoadOnDemand" Key="MyTab2">
<uc1:deviceUC ID="tab2UC" runat="server" />