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Single Click on Webtree to Launch URL

I want to be able to click on a node in the webtree to launch another page.


I have an Ultrawebtree that is databound using the WebHierarchical data source.

I've set the targetURL property to on the particular node.

However, for some reason, the only way it would launch is for me to select the node item twice. Is there a way to allow a single click to launch the TargetURL?

Now, I created another ultrawebtree that is not databound and set a node's targetURL property to I can perform a single click and it launches the URL. Is this a bug in the Hierarchical Data source? If there is a workaround, that would be awesome.




  • 1414



    I am dealing with the same issue over here at Marine Land.  I am trying to adjust an application in such a fashion that I no longer send GUIDs for records across the Request.QueryString.  That process has always seemed to be a bit of a security hole for me.  Other options include encrypting that string, but...


    However, back to topic.

    I have no answer yet, but the reason I think the WebTree requires two (clicks) is that you are probably updating the TargetUrl in the NodeClick event.  Therefore, the TargetUrl is not until after the event is processed.  Then, miracle of miracles (tis the season, eh) when you click again ON THAT NODE you go where you want.  My guess is that if you click on another node you will be amazed that you will not go to Yahoo.  I am working on a solution.  I am thinking that I will kind of preprocess the nodes before the user clicks - like your second example.