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InitializeDataSource event causes double the work...

I realize this is not a normal case but I am running a web grid on a MS FormView where the data in the webgrid (LoadOnDemand=XML) is dependent on a bound control for the current page in the form. This means that as the user moves from record to record, the sequence of events are:

UltraWebToolbar_ButtonClicked (next button to change the page of the formview)
Label_DataBinding (pass the value of this control to the data source )

In simple terms, when the user presses the next button to go to the next page, the page posts back, initializes the grid with the old value, pages forward, then re-initializes the grid with the new page value. I cannot detect that the postback is due to a page change because the buttonclicked event happens long after the grid events have fired.

Of course if I was not depedent on a bound control for the value then I would not have to call the databind method and trigger a repeat of the initializedatasource and initializelayout events.

 Any thoughts on how to simplify the process and eliminate the duplication of effort?

 I will keep trying things and post a new approach if I figure it out so maybe someone else could benefit...