Could anyone help me please? I have defined four css class named TextBoxEditable,TextFocusHighlight,TextBoxHoverHighlight & TextBoxDisabled for my WebTextEdits. How can I change from style TextBoxEditable to TextBoxFocusHighlight on getting focus, and again change to TextBoxEditable after focus lost.
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Vijay,
There is no public option to define different css for different states of control. However, control exposes a lot of client side events. So, you may process them and adjust properties of editor. Example below uses "elem" member variable which is the reference to actual <input> used by control.
<style type="text/css">.css1{background:red;}.css2{background:cyan;}</style><script type="text/javascript">function WebDateTimeEdit_Blur(oEdit, text, oEvent){ oEdit.elem.className = 'css2';}function WebDateTimeEdit_Focus(oEdit, text, oEvent){ oEdit.elem.className = 'css1';}</script><igtxt:WebDateTimeEdit ID="WebDateTimeEdit" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents Blur="WebDateTimeEdit_Blur" Focus="WebDateTimeEdit_Focus" /></igtxt:WebDateTimeEdit>