I'm currently evaluating Net Advantage for our site. I'm trying to get the WebDateChooser to display in a date column on a grid. I've used the sample code of the site, but to no avail. I'm fairly sure I'm doing eveything that needs to be done. I'm binding the data to a dataset in the Page Load event and setting the column properties as required. When the grid is displayed, the WebDateChooser is not being displayed when I edit the cell. I have the WebCombo displaying no problem, just can't get the WebDateChooser to work.
Support in Infragistics sent me a sample page, and I got this to work, but when I try this code with my grid, it doesn't. All code executes without any errors.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Should I post some code ?
Hi Guys,
Thanks very much for both the replies. I just re-read my post, I mistakenly said I was binding to a DataSet, this is not the case. I'm actually binding to a collection of an object (I'm so used to binding to dataset, I just automatically typed this in). Now, on reviewing my code, I noticed that the "type" of my "Date" property in the object class is a "string", this maybe causing the problem, I just have to re-write a couple of things to handle this type change.
I read a couple of posts and got some information from Infragistics support, that said the column type in the DataSet should be DateTime, I'm sure the same must be said for the type on the property in the class.
I'm going to do a quick test. I'll let you know how I get on.