When I use the webtree in the weblistbar and have the webtree intial depth property set to a certain amount, it does not take effect.
Is this an issue or am i doing somethign wrong?
I am trying to reproduce that - in several scenarios, but unfortunately without luck. Here is one of the setups I am using - InitialExpandDepth = 2 worked as expected in my case:
<iglbar:UltraWebListbar ID="UltraWebListbar1" runat="server" BorderWidth="" ViewType="Listbar" Height="200px" Width="124px"> <Groups> <iglbar:Group Text="Group" TextAlign="Left"> <Labels Expanded="" Collapsed="" Selected=""> </Labels> <Template> <ignav:UltraWebTree ID="UltraWebTree1" runat="server" DefaultImage="" HiliteClass="" HoverClass="" Indentation="20" InitialExpandDepth="2"> <Levels> <ignav:Level Index="0" /> <ignav:Level Index="1" /> </Levels> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Root Node"> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Root Node"> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Root Node"> <Nodes> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> <ignav:Node Text="Child Node"> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:Node> </Nodes> </ignav:UltraWebTree> </Template> </iglbar:Group> <iglbar:Group Text="Group" TextAlign="Left"> <Labels Collapsed="" Expanded="" Selected="" /> </iglbar:Group> <iglbar:Group Text="Group" TextAlign="Left"> <Labels Collapsed="" Expanded="" Selected="" /> </iglbar:Group> </Groups> </iglbar:UltraWebListbar>
What am I missing (I am using version 2008.1 btw)