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Using ig:tabView


I would like to ask you about using ig:tabView:

1) "WebTab automatically and transparently sends AJAX requests to fetch TabItems On-Demand." - Does it mean that if I have page with two tabs then each tab would load when user wants to show specified tab? In other words - will be created JSF models for both tabs at once or separatelly?

It seems from my observation that data model for both tabs is created at once when user visits page. 


2)  I have <ig:tabView selectTabItemListener="#{advanceSearchController.selectTabItemListener}"> and

  public void selectTabItemListener(SelectTabItemEvent event) {

I'm not able to catch this listener. Do I anything wrong? Isn't it because of facelets limitation?


We use 8.2.20082.1003 version, JSF 1.2, MyFaces implementation, jdk1.5.0_16 and facelets.


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    Hi ANECT,

    1) The entire WebRoot is created, but only the open tab is rendered. So every time you select a tab item, it is rendered and sent to the browser.

    2) This issue is a bug which affect only facelets environment. This bug is in queue and most probably should solved for incoming hotfix. For date of release please see Grigor Svetoslavov's blog . If you need an notification please fill a support request.



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