I've added a button clumn to my grid, to allow users to enter further details on the data held through a popup. But i only need to show the button if the further details have not yet been added.
I'm adding the column on InitializeLayout; is it possible to check at this point the data from which the grid is bound, to see if the data has alreday been added? I'd like to show a column showing 'Complete' or similar, instead of the button column
Thanks in advance
By the way, Rumen provides some basics on how to get at the items in an individual cell of a templated column in the following thread:http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/t/13647.aspx
You need to use a templated column, and dynamically switch what's in the cell item template from row to row. I'm assuming, by the way, you want to show the text "Complete" in a cell in this column for an individaul row, instead of the whole column.
InitializeLayout is too soon to investigate the data in any rows of the grid. The structure of your grid has been determined at this point, but rows haven't been added yet. I suggest using the InitializeRow event instead.